Multi-Agent Programming
Languages, Platforms and Applications
Additional material for lecturers
Multi-Agent Programming - Languages, Platforms and Applications Bordini, R.H.; Dastani, M.; Dix, J.; El Fallah Seghrouchni, A. (ed.) Series/In: Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Orgaizations, Vol. 15 ISBN: 0-387-24568-5 Hardcover/Springer Verlag/2005, June |
Here you can find additional material for the book Multi-Agent Programming - Languages, Platforms and Applications. The zip-archive below contains slides for all 9 chapters of the book in LaTeX designed for the use of the LaTeX Beamer Class.
- Chapter 1: Jason
- Chapter 2: 3APL
- Chapter 3: Claim Sympa
- Chapter 4: Impact
- Chapter 5: Jade
- Chapter 6: Jadex
- Chapter 7: Jack
- Chapter 8: Defacto
- Chapter 9: Artimis
You can download the complete set of slides. The sources are available on request.
Made available by Prof. Jürgen Dix, Clausthal University of Technology with many thanks to Cand.-Inf. Michael Köster